A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2004

Chapter 2004


But before he could recover, the door opened, revealing Cecilia with Olivia and Edwin in tow.

Cecilia’s eyes darted between Chandler and Elaine.

She recognized the rising actress and deduced Chandler’s role in her life.

Despite not being a significant figure in showbiz, Cecilia, as the Fowler family daughter, knew she stood a class apart.

Yet her gaze towards Mark held an edge of disdain.

Mark, previously lounging, straightened up as they entered.

He lifted Olivia into his arms and ruffled Edwin’s hair.

“Your grandma sent over some treats. Want a bite?”

With her baby teeth, Olivia eagerly took a cookie, nibbling it with delight.

Mark carefully wiped away her mess, and then he soaked a cookie in milk; handing it to her.

Olivia was drawn to its aroma.

Edwin, on the other hand, bit into his cookie with force, his gaze fixed on Elaine. She felt a chill down her spine from his intense stare.

Mark patted his son and addressed Chandler, “Like I said, I have a family. It’s time for you to Leave.”

The family unit was content.

Chandler knew he was out of place here. He thought of seeking help from Peter.


Elaine, still somewhat disoriented, was suddenly tugged by Chandler.

Once they reached the hallway and the door behind them clicked shut, Elaine quickly pulled away from his grasp.

With a mocking smile, Chandler asked, “Lost interest in me after seeing him?”

Elaine chose not to respond.

With a smirk, Chandler continued, “I brought you here for a reason; not for you to live lavishly. Do you recognize that woman? She’s from the prominent Fowler family in Duefron, and she’s Mark’s former spouse. I overlooked her significance earlier and now she’s upset because of you. Let me be clear; don’t get on her bad side. If things go south, we’ll both pay the price. Not only will your acting career be at risk, but you might also find doors in the industry shutting on you.

Elaine, trying to mask her disappointment, questioned, “So why introduce me to Mr. Evans?”

Chandler chuckled.

“He wasn’t even intrigued by you.”

“Had his former wife not shown up, he might have been. He did smile at me,” she retorted.

